Matrix COSEC CENTRA ESS is a comprehensive web-based employee portal offering COSEC users to monitor and manage all their time-attendance and leave options. Employees and managers can access all their time-attendance information easily and perform related tasks intuitively reducing a significant amount of time they spent on these issues. The Matrix COSEC CENTRA ESS intuitive interface offers employees to view their attendance and shift schedules, check their leave details, apply for leaves or tour and update personal and job related information. Additionally, reporting officer can approve or reject leave and tour applications, authorize attendance and plan work schedules of his subordinates.
Matrix COSEC CENTRA ESS provides direct web based access to employees to view their attendance summary, attendance details and leave status for a particular day, current month, previous month or any user defined period. This detailed information is presented with colorful marking for easy interpretation.
Matrix ESS allows managers to correct attendance of team members for special reasons such as official duty, special flexibility for a vehicle breakdown or medical emergency, etc. If granted permission by the system administrator, the manager can change presence and entry/exit timings of his team members. Of course, all these alterations are stored in the audit trail for official records.
Attendance tracking for the field or mobile employees presents several challenges to HR person. From ESS, the field person can directly login into the COSEC server and mark his attendance without going to the office.
Using COSEC CENTRA ESS portal, authorized employees can pre-register a visitor quickly and easily before the actual visit. He can register a visitor with personal and official detail along with purpose of visit and other necessary information. Security and reception can use this information to prepare a pass for the visitor improving overall productivity and give a professional impression of the organization.
COSEC CENTRA ESS allows the employees to add/edit their personal details from their own computer. This helps in maintaining an error-free and updated database of all employees. Employees can add/edit their qualification, nationality, marital status, experience, local and permanent addresses, contact details, blood group, etc.
Employees can view their own shifts and schedules for the current and upcoming months for advance planning. This advance planning greatly improves their time management and efficiency.
Anyone who has applied for leave knows the frustration of filling the paper form and waiting for the approval from the reporting officer. With Matrix COSEC CENTRA ESS, employees can request for authorization of attendance, overtime, compensatory-off and personal and official leaves to his reporting officer. This request is reflected on the reporting officer’s ESS dashboard. Tedious and manual paperwork is completely eliminated.
Using COSEC CENTRA ESS, a user can check his prepaid and postpaid cafeteria expenses during the month. He can also check monthly menu and apply for any correction in the consumption shown.
Matrix COSEC CENTRA ESS displays customizable messages on the home page of the portal and thus viewable to all users. A user reads the message as soon as he logs into the ESS. Admin and HR can update employees with the latest internal and external news and events.
COSEC CENTRA offers self-service portal for reporting officers to manage their team effectively. In addition to the employee related features, reporting officer can create and manage shift schedules, approve and manage leaves, authorize attendance and overtime/comp-off hours and change reporting group of his team members.
COSEC CENTRA ESS dashboard offers a quick overview of an employee’s leave, attendance and shift detail in a single window. User can access detail information directly from this dashboard with just one click on the item of his interest.